create centos7 k8s vagrant box from dreamcloud-centos7

launch dev vm it is based on my dev ready vagrant box dreancloud/centos7. create project folder $ mdkir ~/vagrant/centos7k8sbox $ cd ~/vagrant/centos7k8sbox prepare the Vagrantfile, then boot up the vm, $ vagrant up Bringing machine ‘centos7k8s’ up with ‘virtualbox’ provider… ==> centos7k8s: Importing base box ‘dreamcloud/centos7’… ==> centos7k8s: Matching MAC …

launch k8s cluster using vagrant box dreamcloud-centos7k8s

launch k8s cluster using vagrant box dreamcloud-centos7k8s dreamcloud/centos7k8s is a docker/k8s ready box, here is demo to show how to launch a 2 nodes k8s cluster in few mins using vagrant. tool set vagant 2.0.1 virtualbox 5.1.30 cmder/msys64, I use portabledevops which seamless integrated with vagrant/virtualbox prepare Vagrantfile $ cd …

create ubuntu k8s vagrant box from dreamcloud-ubuntu17.10

launch ubuntu dev vm it is based on my dev ready vagrant box dreamcloud/ubuntu17.10. create project folder $ mdkir ~/vagrant/ub17k8sbox $ cd ~/vagrant/ub17k8sbox prepare the Vagrantfile, then boot up the vm, $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh reset ssh keypair The reason I re-init ssh keypair for new vm ub17k8s …

launch k8s cluster using vagrant box dreamcloud-ub17k8s

dreamcloud/ub17k8s is a docker/k8s ready box, here is demo to show how to launch a 2 nodes k8s cluster in few mins using vagrant. tool set vagant 2.0.1 virtualbox 5.1.30 cmder/msys64, I use portabledevops which seamless integrated with vagrant/virtualbox prepare Vagrantfile $ mkdir ~/vagrant/k8stest $ curl -LO assume the …

create ubuntu 17.10 vagrant box from scratch

install ubuntu server 17.10 download iso from link create new vm memory 1024MB disk 50GB dynamic Audio, USB disable first NIC is NAT, for Internet access, add port forward in virtualbox setting: to guest 22 user vagrant/vagrant NAT setup NAT NIC enp0s3 is up, 2: enp0s3: mtu 1500 …

docker hands-on guide: k8s cluster setup script

k8s cluster script It is a demo how to quickly setup a k8s cluster (2 nodes) for testing and education purpose. pirvate network k8s-master k8s-node1 tool set Vagrant v2.0.1 x64 on win7 Virtulbox v5.1.30 x64 on win7 portable msys64 on win7 portabledevops it also works for Linux …