1st Android App

You should have Eclispe IDE and Android ADT plugin, SDK Tools installed. Here are simple steps to create 1st Android app as test. 1) create project Fron New menu, select "Android Application Project" Application Name: My First App Project Name: MyFirstApp Package Name: com.dreamcloud.myfirstapp Minimum Required SDK: API8:Android 2.2 // …

Android 4.2 SDK setup

Simple steps: 1) install Java JDK downloaded and installed JDK 7u13 64Bit 2) install Eclipse Classic 4.2.1 64Bit http://www.eclipse.org/downloads 3) Android SDK Tools available from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html unzip to C:/sdk 4) Proxy setup for next ADT install Android SDK Manager/Tools/Options Proxy Settings: HTTP Proxy Server: proxy HTTP Proxy Port: 8080 5) …