Portable Shell Terminal Kit

Portable shell terminal kit consisting few parts: 1) bash shell provided by msys, which is collection of GNU utilities on windows /portableapps/msys 2) gcc provided by MinGW, a contraction of "Minimalist GNU for Windows", is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications. /portableapps/mingw 3) DOS terminal replacement default …

gcc+mingW for python installation

When you hit this gcc error during some python installation: error: command ‘gcc’ failed with exit status 1 You should consider replace your gcc, this is good option here: https://github.com/develersrl/gccwinbinaries •GCC 4.3.3-tdm-1 (http://www.tdragon.net/recentgcc/) •binutils 2.19.1 •mingw32-make 3.81-2 •mingwrt 3.16 •w32api 3.13

msys mount

/etc/fstab #Automatically generated – modify fstab.model C:/portableapps/mingw /mingw C:/portableapps /local/portable C:/Python26 /local/python C:/xampp/php /local/php C:/xampp/perl /local/perl C:/xampp/mysql /local/mysql C:/portableapps/7-ZipPortable/App/7-Zip /local/7zip seems not support space in window path, like: C:/”Program Files”/Java/jdk1.6.0_20 /local/jdk C:/Program\ Files/Java/jre6 /local/jre both way not work, and no clue from internet. only solution is place to /etc/profile: export …

msys not start

Sometimes msys cannot start due to error: AllocationBase 0x6B0000, BaseAddress 0x800000, RegionSize 0x22E000, State 0x1000 C:\PortableApps\msys\bin\bash.exe: *** Couldn’t reserve space for cygwin’s heap, Win32 error 0 this is workaround, run from cygwin: rebase -b 0x76000000 /cygdrive/c/PortableApps/msys/bin/msys-1.0.dll