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There are two versions of cmder: cmder with Git and cmdermini without Git, I prefer use cmdermini without Git since I already have portable git, however it is nothing when run as cmdermini, it is pure cmd replacement, cannot run UNIX like shell.

Here are some discussions how to integrate cmder with msys.

option1 embed msys with cmder

1) place msys folder under cmder\vender
2) change home in /etc/profile
export HOME=/home/oldhorse
3) add alias in cmder\vendor\msys\etcprofile
alias ll=’ls -ltra’
4) add start line in end of cmder\config\user-startup.cmd

:: start msys bash
start %CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\msys\bin\bash --login -i

5) start cmder, it will start one cmder session and bash session on different tab

option2 cmder working with existing msys

1) assume cmder folder is on same level as msys,
2) add line end of cmder\config\user-startup.cmd

::cmder working with existing msys
start %CMDER_ROOT%\..\msys\bin\bash --login -i

3) start cmder, it will start one cmder session and bash session on different tab

option3 setup task inside cmder

task name: own msys
%ConEmuDir%\..\msys\bin\sh.exe --login -i

task name: existing msys
%ConEmuDir%\..\..\..\msys\bin\sh.exe --login -i

then you can quickly start new msys bash session in new tab inside cmder.