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There are tons to markdown plugin for wordpress, I would like to recommend this JP markdown, it takes Markdown module out of Jetpack and making it into an independent plugin.

The outstanding point of this plugin

  • write in Markdown, publish in HTML
  • works well with plugin SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
  • when deactivate JP markdown, not impact on already published markdown post since it already in html

markdown post sample

**There are two parts for node.js**
- node
- npm node package manager

I would like to carry node.js in usb driver, found the npm default configuration is too close to windows environment:

prefix = "C:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm"

JP markdown plugin activate/deactivate

when deactivate JP markdown, it becomes to html in editor so no issue for post display,

when activate JP markdown, html code change back to markdown again in editor.

new update on code syntax

Oct 31, 2016 Not sure since when, the code mess up with quote, html tag, lost code indentation if enable both JP markdown and SyntaxHighlighter Evolved, finally found easy remedy:

- keep markdown syntax except markdown code shortcut syntax ```
- using code syntax from SyntaxHighlighter Evolved

This mixed way is working well for markdown syntax and code in wordpress!