Python web terminal butterfly

Butterfly is a tornado web server written in python which powers a full featured web terminal. The js part is heavily based on term.js which is heavily based on jslinux. Butterfly is developed by France guy Florian Mounier. $ pip –proxy : install butterfly $ Downloading/unpacking butterfly Running …

Portable Shell Terminal Kit

Portable shell terminal kit consisting few parts: 1) bash shell provided by msys, which is collection of GNU utilities on windows /portableapps/msys 2) gcc provided by MinGW, a contraction of "Minimalist GNU for Windows", is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications. /portableapps/mingw 3) DOS terminal replacement default …

1st Android App

You should have Eclispe IDE and Android ADT plugin, SDK Tools installed. Here are simple steps to create 1st Android app as test. 1) create project Fron New menu, select "Android Application Project" Application Name: My First App Project Name: MyFirstApp Package Name: com.dreamcloud.myfirstapp Minimum Required SDK: API8:Android 2.2 // …

Internet Company Rank 2013

2013 Global Mobile Internet Market Rank 全球移动互联网公司最新市值排名 公司 市值 (亿美元) 交易所 总部 CEO 网址 苹果 4002.60 纳斯达克 库比蒂诺 蒂姆·库克 谷歌 2615.40 纳斯达克 山景城 拉里·佩奇 微软 2426.60 纳斯达克 雷德蒙德 史蒂夫·鲍尔默 IBM 2362.80 纽交所 阿蒙克市 萨缪尔·帕米沙诺 中国移动 2116.60 2097.67 纽交所 港交所 北京 李跃 三星电子 2025.40 韩国 首尔 …