Table of Content

1) mingw

mingw-get setup tool , will install MinGW by default on C:\MinGW, msys\1.0 is under MinGW, it is the best way to install/upgrade/maintenance msys/mingw basic/core/dev pkg

Then I just copy MinGW excluding msys to \mingw as portable mingw, which including latest gcc 4.8.1-4 .

2) msys

I didn’t use msys from mingw-get since not including git, expect etc 3rd pkg, don’t want to build them from source so prefer prebuild msys collection including git, expect, perl 5.8.8 etc

then move it to \msys

3) portable msys/mingw

place portable launch script in anyplace


@echo off

set msysPath=portableapps\msys

echo #Automatically generated - modify fstab.model > %~d0\%msysPath%\etc\fstab
::replace fstab with current directory
for /F "eol=# tokens=1,2* delims=:" %%i in (%~d0\%msysPath%\etc\fstab.model) do @echo %~d0%%j >> %~d0\%msysPath%\etc\fstab

::start %~d0\%msysPath%\bin\mintty /bin/bash -l


start %~d0\portableapps\Console2\Console %~d0\%msysPath%\bin\bash --login -i

update under /etc


X:/portableapps/mingw /mingw
X:/portableapps /portable
X:/test /test

may customize the profile