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pytoolbar – a python toolbar demo in Tkinter


  • toolbar gui, run in window or unix/linux desktop, it’s always on top of desktop
  • security protected login(predefined login user: pytoolbar/demo,test/test)
  • customized search bar, predefined google, github, oxford dictionary, English-Chinese dictionary, wikipedia search engines, easy to extend
  • customized tool button for windows local tool, predefined Q-Dir, Git shell, kitty, scite, easy to extend (window app only)
  • customized link button for web application url, easy to extend for windows/unix/linux
  • real time clock
  • timer with start/pause/reset button

tkinter gui demo

The main purpose of pytoolbar is to demo how easily to implement a toolbar in python/tkinter.

abstracting and packing all codes into few class:

class Login(tk.Toplevel) allow max 3 times login failure then exit
class Timer(tk.Label) handy timer with start/pause/reset button
class Clock(tk.Label) real time digital clock
class Myaltsearch(tk.Frame) provide pull down menu for search engine, free style search keyword, and clear/go button
class Tool(tk.Frame) customized tool button, apply for window only
class Link(tk.Frame) customized link button, apply for all platforms
class Topmenu(tk.Menu) init the top menu, only File/Exit as demo

run pytoolbar

on Windows

  • if you don’t have python installed, download minipy27.7z and extract to pytoolbar\minipy27
  • if you have python2 or 3 installed, update pypath in pytoolbar.bat

::set pypath=.\minipy27\python
set pypath=

  • double click pytoolbar.bat to launch pytoolbar

on unix/linux


github repo

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