portable ipython in Console2

http://portablepython.com/ is best portable python so far, here is discussion how to run them from Console2. 1) install portable python package Portable Python This package contains following applications/libraries: PyScripter v2.5.3 NymPy 1.7.1 SciPy 0.12.0 Matplotlib 1.2.1 PyWin32 218 Django 1.5.1 PIL 1.1.7 Py2Exe 0.6.9 wxPython NetworkX 1.7 Lxml …

Install new ipython

Following up the installation guideline in link: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/stable/install/install.html 1) install python 3.3 http://www.python.org/download/ 2) pythreadline https://launchpad.net/pyreadline/+download only pythreadline 2.0 for python 2.6, 2.7, 3.x 3) install ipython-0.13.1 32bit python setup.py install 64 bit not supported in Console2 4) config in Console2 ipython3 or python Scripts\ipython3-script.py