virt-install mis-setting driver type to raw when import qcow2

generate qcow2 base image virt-builder centos-7.6 \ –format qcow2 \ –size 20G -o /var/lib/libvist/boot/centos-7.6-20G.qcow2 verified type of disk is qcow2 by qemu-img info /var/lib/libvist/boot/centos-7.6-20G.qcow2 will use this base image as template for future vm quick launch. clone base image disk to vm disk cp /var/lib/libvist/boot/centos-7.6-20G.qcow2 /var/lib/libvist/images/testvm.qcow2 create vm testvm by …

Google cloud hands-on guide: How to create a VM

Google cloud handson guide: How to create a VM qwiklabs GCP notes. create vm cloud console It is straightforward to create a VM in GUI, click few buttons: Compute Engine -> Create name: gcelab zone: us-central1-c machine type: 1 vCPU, n1-standard-1, 3.75GB RAM boot disk: 10GB Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) …