flaskhello container using Dockerfile in portabledevops

Objective Flask web app: Hello World! count visit from web URL using Redis using Dockerfile to auto build docker image, then start container and run flask web app on container share image via Docker Hub 1) create docker machine for test launch msys shell from portabledevops, a portable lightweight devops …

New cygwin x86 2.881 setup not working

setup error when run setup-x86_64.exe 2.881, got this error no matter install from Internet or download then install from local, Unable to extract /etc/ — corrupt package? Unable to extract /etc/postinsall — corrupt package? setup.log 2017/09/11 07:56:22 Starting cygwin install, version 2.881 2017/09/11 07:56:22 User has backup/restore rights 2017/09/11 07:56:22 …

docker hands-on guide: New Docker Toolbox 17.07-ce for Windows

For the latest Docker Toolbox for Windows 17.07, there are some change on bash terminal. Docker Quickstart terminal when start quickstart terminal, it is still CMD shell, checked start command it just start bash.exe, “C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe” –login -i “C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\start.sh” In fact Docker Toolbox for Windows shipping with Git …

docker hands-on guide: How to map local folder to docker container on windows?

Assume you work on windows on daily base, want to get benefit from docker container using docker toolbox for test and dev purpose. run docker container on windows There are two options to run docker container on windows: run docker container directly from local window shell, like msys or cygwin …

gitbook editor desktop on windows

download latest gitbook editor desktop version from here: https://www.gitbook.com/editor install gitbook editor, by default will be at: GitBook_Editor Target C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\GitBook_Editor\Update.exe –processStart Editor.exe Start in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\GitBook_Editor\app-7.0.12 where is library book files? default Library path: C:\Users\USERNAME\GitBook\Library then new book folder created at : C:\Users\USERNAME\GitBook\Library\Import\docker_hands-on each book folder is a git repo. how …