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When you cannot install ipython , there is alternative way to write key ipython as module or package:
– TAB completion
– basic shell command (pwd,ls,cd,mkdir,cp,mv, you can add more ……) ------- import os,sys,shutil import rlcompleter, readline def rl(): readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') def pwd(parameter_s=''): return os.getcwdu() def ls(line=''): if line == '': dirs = [os.curdir] else: dirs = line.split() for dirname in dirs: print 'Listing of %s:' % dirname print '\n'.join(os.listdir(dirname)) def cd(dirname=''): # 'cd' by itself means 'go home'. if dirname == '': dirname = os.environ['HOME'] os.chdir(dirname) def mkdir(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname) def cp(line): words = line.split() sourcefiles,target = words[:-1], words[-1] # target could be a dir for sourcefile in sourcefiles: shutil.copy(sourcefile, target) def mv(line): source, target = line.split() os.rename(source, target) def rm(line): [os.remove(arg) for arg in line.split()]