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Weight: 3

Description: Candidates should be able to edit text files using vi. This objective includes vi navigation, basic vi modes, inserting, editing, deleting, copying and finding text.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Navigate a document using vi
  • Use basic vi modes
  • Insert, edit, delete, copy and find text

Terms and Utilities:

/, ?
i, o, a
c, d, p, y, dd, yy
ZZ, :w!, :q!, :e!


h,j,k,l   left, down, up, right
0 - move to 1st char of line 
$ - move to end of line
1G - move to begin of 1st line of file
nG - move to line n 
G - move to last line of file


^f  move forward one screen  
^b  move backward one screen  
^d  move down (forward) one half screen  
^u  move up (back) one half screen  
^l  redraws the screen  
^r  redraws the screen, removing deleted lines  


u only undo last change


nyy or yny     copy n lines
ndd or dnd     cut n lines

p  # paste


:%s/old/new/g     replace all string old to string new in file
:n1,n2s/old/new/g    replace all string old to string new in range of lines from n1 to n2 


cw change current word 
cNw change n words
C change(replace) char in current line
cc change current line 
d dw delete one word
x delete one char

r replace one char
R replace anything you type in until esc


:e    edit  without leaving vi 
:e!                 forget changes since last write
:wq write and quit  ZZ same

run shell inside vi


Quiz questions

1. What are the vi commands for up, down, left and right?
2. How do you search for the string “The” at the beginning of a line?
3. What is the key to exit insert mode?
4. What is the meaning of ! in command mode?
5. How do you delete an entire line?
6. How does vi’s cut and paste work?
7. Explain 3 different ways of getting into insert mode.
8. What is the quick equivalent for “:wq”?
Answers to quiz questions
1. k j h l
2. / ^The
3. Escape
4. Don’t save
5. dd
6. d to delete (e.g. dd for a line, dw for delete word, 6dw for delete 6 words), p for paste (or P for paste before).
7. i (insert), o (add line), O (add line before), a (append). Perhaps even cw (change word).
8. ZZ