centos7 openstack cannot access to instance console

VNC console access failure I installed one vm node openstack for testing, cannot access to new instance console, got error as below, Failed to connect to server (code: 1006) Found some clue from nova log /var/log/nova/nova-consoleauth.log 2018-01-24 01:58:37.323 1331 INFO nova.consoleauth.manager [req-bc9e5095-6306-48ed-821d-28c18634f3d9 2b1047d6cd5644f98de277ba45771651 401c817b58a0446ba78a2c199da8178e – default default] Received Token: 9e97e880-32dc-44ba-a601-efe566aae2fe, …

install one vm node ubuntu openstack using devstack

launch ubuntu vm for openstack using vagrant CPU: 2 memory: 6GB 1st NIC: NAT 2nd NIC: hostonly private network for openstack mkdir -p vagrant/ubopenstack cd vagrant/ubopenstack curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robertluwang/docker-hands-on-guide/master/dreamcloud-vagrant/ubopenstack/Vagrantfile bring it up, vagrant up vagrant ssh 2 NIC up now, vagrant@ubopenstack:~$ ip addr 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue …

install single vm node centos7 openstack using packstack

launch centos7 vm from vagrant Assume you use msys/cygwin shell on win or shell on OSX, we download centos7 Vagrant template and customized to vm for one single vm node openstack test. vm hostname: ctopenstack vm cpu: 2 vm memory: 6GB 1 NIC: NAT 2 NIC: hostonly mkdir -p …

create centos7 k8s vagrant box from dreamcloud-centos7

launch dev vm it is based on my dev ready vagrant box dreancloud/centos7. create project folder $ mdkir ~/vagrant/centos7k8sbox $ cd ~/vagrant/centos7k8sbox prepare the Vagrantfile, then boot up the vm, $ vagrant up Bringing machine ‘centos7k8s’ up with ‘virtualbox’ provider… ==> centos7k8s: Importing base box ‘dreamcloud/centos7’… ==> centos7k8s: Matching MAC …

launch k8s cluster using vagrant box dreamcloud-centos7k8s

launch k8s cluster using vagrant box dreamcloud-centos7k8s dreamcloud/centos7k8s is a docker/k8s ready box, here is demo to show how to launch a 2 nodes k8s cluster in few mins using vagrant. tool set vagant 2.0.1 virtualbox 5.1.30 cmder/msys64, I use portabledevops which seamless integrated with vagrant/virtualbox prepare Vagrantfile $ cd …

launch centos dev vm from dreamcloud-centos7

I build dreamcloud/centos7 vagrant box as practise, it is a dev ready vm: Guest Tool, shared folder gcc/git/python/pip Here is demo how to launch centos vm from this base, add 2nd host-only interface for private network. Vagrantfile vagrant up $ vagrant up Bringing machine ‘centos7dev’ up with ‘virtualbox’ provider… ==> …

create ubuntu k8s vagrant box from dreamcloud-ubuntu17.10

launch ubuntu dev vm it is based on my dev ready vagrant box dreamcloud/ubuntu17.10. create project folder $ mdkir ~/vagrant/ub17k8sbox $ cd ~/vagrant/ub17k8sbox prepare the Vagrantfile, then boot up the vm, $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh reset ssh keypair The reason I re-init ssh keypair for new vm ub17k8s …

launch k8s cluster using vagrant box dreamcloud-ub17k8s

dreamcloud/ub17k8s is a docker/k8s ready box, here is demo to show how to launch a 2 nodes k8s cluster in few mins using vagrant. tool set vagant 2.0.1 virtualbox 5.1.30 cmder/msys64, I use portabledevops which seamless integrated with vagrant/virtualbox prepare Vagrantfile $ mkdir ~/vagrant/k8stest $ curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robertluwang/docker-hands-on-guide/master/dreamcloud-vagrant/ub17k8s/Vagrantfile assume the …

launch ubuntu dev vm from dreamcloud-ubuntu17.10

launch ubuntu dev vm from dreamcloud-ubuntu17.10 I build [dreamcloud/ubuntu17.10]() vagrant box as practise, it is a dev ready vm: Guest Tool, shared folder ifupdown which removed from ubuntu 17.10 standard release gcc/git/python/pip Here is demo how to launch ubuntu vm from this base, add 2nd host-only interface for private network. …