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The mintty is light unix terminal in windows, which came from putty source, it is my main terminal now for daily job.

GNUstep coming with msys.bat but it is not support portable, this is idea to make GNUstep portable for mintty:

Step1 How to get portable GNUstep

1) install GNUstep pakcages to one folder, default one is C:\GNUstep
2) copy C:\GNUstep to usb driver f:\portableapps\GNUstep
3) uninstall all GNUstep packages

Step2 How to take care of usb driver

1) place below GNUstep-usbmsys-mintty.bat file to J:\portableapps\GNUstep\msys\1.0

@echo off

::Get the current batch file's short path
for %%x in (%0) do set BatchPath=%%~dpsx
for %%x in (%BatchPath%) do set BatchPath=%%~dpsx
::echo BatchPath = %BatchPath%

::Change to the batch file's directory
cd %BatchPath%

echo #Automatically generated - modify fstab.model > etc\fstab
::replace fstab with current directory
for /F "eol=# tokens=1,2* delims=:" %%i in (etc\fstab.model) do @echo %~d0%%j >> etc\fstab

::launch GNUstep mintty terminal
start bin\mintty /bin/bash -l

2) prepare /etc/fstab
cp /etc/fstab to /etc/fstab.orig

place /etc/fstab

#Automatically generated - modify fstab.model
j:/portableapps/GNUstep  /mingw
j:/portableapps/GNUstep/GNUstep  /GNUstep

place /etc/fstab.model

X:/portableapps/GNUstep  /mingw
X:/portableapps/GNUstep/GNUstep  /GNUstep

each time bat file GNUstep-usbmsys-mintty.bat will detect real usb driver and update in /etc/fstab.

Step3 How to launch GNUstep

double click GNUstep-usbmsys-mintty.bat, that is it, you are leading to mintty with GNUstep env setup:

Setting up GNUstep Environment...

dreamdcloud ~
$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      233G  125G  109G  54% /GNUstep
                      233G  125G  109G  54% /usr
                      233G  125G  109G  54% /
                      233G  125G  109G  54% /mingw
                      233G  125G  109G  54% /portable