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Vagrant is must have devops tool to quick build up dev , ops, test env.
Here is practice how to make it portable on windows.
1) download and install to C:\Vagrant
2) assume you have portable msys2 and cygwin, if not you can refer portabledevops.
L:\portabledevops\msys64 L:\portabledevops\cygwin64
3) move Vagrant folder to portabledevops
4) add vagrant path to PATH in
# portable vagrant if [ -d $PORTABLEPATH/vagrant ]; then export PATH=$PORTABLEPATH/vagrant/bin:$PATH fi
5) uninstall vagrant from windows
6) test vagrant
open terminal from msys2 or cygwin
$ vagrant init ubuntu/yakkety64; vagrant up --provider virtualbox $ vagrant status $ vagrant ssh $ vagrant stop $ vagrant destroy