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When SFS shared file system is full, it will change fs to readonly mode automatically when crossing default(98%) or predefined threshold:

/vx/data-fs                              x.x.x.x/32 (ro,no_root_squash)

NAS event log,

sfs> report showevents
<date> [sfs_01,alert,storage,master] [[fs alert]] numspace set at 80(%) crossed for File System data-fs, current usage 98(%)

In this case, you cannot do clean up full fs, one option is to change shared fs to read/write on SFS NAS console,

nfs share add rw,no_root_squash /vx/data-fs x.x.x.x/32)

Another better option is to login to NAS header as support user, clean up full FS locally(your NFS client is readonly but SFS NAS server no issue to do any clean up), Once the free space drops below the defined threshold, it will automatically share out as readwrite.

sfs> storage fs alert show
data-fs fullspace 98% (D) 54% 

you can disable or change threshold,

sfs> storage fs alert set fullspace 0
sfs> storage fs alert set fullspace 90