Google cloud hands-on guide: Kubernetes

Google cloud hands-on guide: Kubernetes qwiklabs GCP notes. replicated application running on Kubernetes Hello World node.js app Kubernetes open source project run on many diff env, vm or bare metal, public or private cloud tasks Create a Node.js server Create a Docker container image Create a container cluster Create …

How to run portable babun in portabledevops

babun features the core of Babun is a pre-configured Cygwin package manager called pact, similar to ‘apt-get’ or ‘yum’ bash/zsh, build in git/gcc/python/perl mintty default terminal emulator why run babun with portabledevops to get benefit from portabledevops: portable devops tool set on windows portable babun everywhere install to portable folder …

flaskhello container using Dockerfile in portabledevops

Objective Flask web app: Hello World! count visit from web URL using Redis using Dockerfile to auto build docker image, then start container and run flask web app on container share image via Docker Hub 1) create docker machine for test launch msys shell from portabledevops, a portable lightweight devops …

docker hands-on guide: New Docker Toolbox 17.07-ce for Windows

For the latest Docker Toolbox for Windows 17.07, there are some change on bash terminal. Docker Quickstart terminal when start quickstart terminal, it is still CMD shell, checked start command it just start bash.exe, “C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe” –login -i “C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\” In fact Docker Toolbox for Windows shipping with Git …

docker hands-on guide: How to map local folder to docker container on windows?

Assume you work on windows on daily base, want to get benefit from docker container using docker toolbox for test and dev purpose. run docker container on windows There are two options to run docker container on windows: run docker container directly from local window shell, like msys or cygwin …

portabledevops deploy script

This is new portabledevops deploy script, to faster the portabledevops setup. place all-in-one portable customization setting to msys2/cygwin /etc/profile.d install docker toolbox locally to msys2/cygwin deploy script running log sample launch msys2/cygwin bash shell from cmder or console $ cd ~ ; wget -qO- ‘’ | sh Cloning into …

Explore Docker wordpress nginx on Docker Windows

The purpose here: quick install and run all in one docker with nginx+php+mysql+wordpress eugeneware explore docker inside portable docker for windows Check here if you want to know how to make portable docker toolbox for windows. $ dockerstart installation docker images $ docker pull eugeneware/docker-wordpress-nginx Using default tag: latest latest: …

Portable Docker Toolbox for Windows with Cmder/Console2+msys

Docker Toolbox for Windows is tool set for both docker machine and docker client: docker-machine docker portable docker for windows Here is solution to make it portable with USB driver, precondition: portable msys + Git portable Cmder/Console2 1) First for all, install Docker Toolbox for Windows without VirtualBox and Git …

How Docker Toolbox for Windows working with Cmder/Console2+msys

This is error when start docker with my own msys bash from shortcut or Cmder/Console2 task tab, Docker Machine is not installed. Please re-run the Toolbox Installer and try again. Looks like something went wrong in step A’Looking for vboxmanage.exeA’… Press any key to continue… Looks like some issue in …