launch k8s cluster using vagrant box dreamcloud-centos7k8s

launch k8s cluster using vagrant box dreamcloud-centos7k8s dreamcloud/centos7k8s is a docker/k8s ready box, here is demo to show how to launch a 2 nodes k8s cluster in few mins using vagrant. tool set vagant 2.0.1 virtualbox 5.1.30 cmder/msys64, I use portabledevops which seamless integrated with vagrant/virtualbox prepare Vagrantfile $ cd …

create ubuntu k8s vagrant box from dreamcloud-ubuntu17.10

launch ubuntu dev vm it is based on my dev ready vagrant box dreamcloud/ubuntu17.10. create project folder $ mdkir ~/vagrant/ub17k8sbox $ cd ~/vagrant/ub17k8sbox prepare the Vagrantfile, then boot up the vm, $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh reset ssh keypair The reason I re-init ssh keypair for new vm ub17k8s …