launch k8s cluster using vagrant box dreamcloud-ub17k8s

dreamcloud/ub17k8s is a docker/k8s ready box, here is demo to show how to launch a 2 nodes k8s cluster in few mins using vagrant. tool set vagant 2.0.1 virtualbox 5.1.30 cmder/msys64, I use portabledevops which seamless integrated with vagrant/virtualbox prepare Vagrantfile $ mkdir ~/vagrant/k8stest $ curl -LO assume the …

docker hands-on guide: k8s cluster setup script

k8s cluster script It is a demo how to quickly setup a k8s cluster (2 nodes) for testing and education purpose. pirvate network k8s-master k8s-node1 tool set Vagrant v2.0.1 x64 on win7 Virtulbox v5.1.30 x64 on win7 portable msys64 on win7 portabledevops it also works for Linux …

docker hands-on guide: docker and minikube not working when firewall ON

docker toolbox for windows start docker machine msys without issue, $ dm start msys Starting “msys”… (msysdev) Check network to re-create if needed… (msysdev) Waiting for an IP… Machine “msys” was started. Waiting for SSH to be available… Detecting the provisioner… Started machines may have new IP addresses. You may …

docker hands-on guide: minikube with hyper-v on win10 vmware

This is just demo how the minikube works with hyper-v on win10. Use win10 vm because I am still running win7. win10 vm setup: memory 6GB CPU 2 HD 100GB win10 nested virtulazation If want to run hyper-v in win10 on top of win7 vmware, have to enable hyper in …

docker hands-on guide: minikube on ubuntu 17.10 on win7 vmware

minikube is a solution to run a single node Kuberntes cluster inside a VM on laptop. My use case: ubuntu 17.10 on win7 vmware, 4GB memory, 2CPU, 100GB disk run minikube in ubuntu 17.10 vm minikube installation Here is note refer minikube installation guide, and updated few issues. minikube binary …

docker hands-on guide: minikube deployment on portabledevops

minikube setup How to setup minikube on portabledevops, please refer previous post. Assume minikube and kubectl install and run properly, $ which minikube /C/oldhorse/portableapps/dockertoolbox/minikube $ which kubectl /C/oldhorse/portableapps/dockertoolbox/kubectl cluster check version minikube version kubectl version $ minikube version minikube version: v0.24.1 $ kubectl version Client Version: version.Info{Major:”1″, Minor:”8″, GitVersion:”v1.8.0″, GitCommit:”6e937839ac04a38cac63e6a7a306c5d035fe7b0a”, …

docker hands-on guide: minikube on portabledevops

minikube on portabledevops minikube is the solution for single node kubernetes cluster inside a VM. portabledevops is portable devops tool set on windows, I used msys64 as demo on win7 here. minikube features DNS NodePorts ConfigMaps and Secrets Dashboards Container Runtime: Docker, and rkt Enabling CNI (Container Network Interface) Ingress …

Google cloud hands-on guide: Kubernetes

Google cloud hands-on guide: Kubernetes qwiklabs GCP notes. replicated application running on Kubernetes Hello World node.js app Kubernetes open source project run on many diff env, vm or bare metal, public or private cloud tasks Create a Node.js server Create a Docker container image Create a container cluster Create …