Google cloud hands-on guide: Network and HTTP Load Balancers

Google cloud hands-on guide: Network and HTTP Load Balancers qwiklabs GCP notes. two type of load balancer L3 Network Load Balancer L7 HTTP(s) Load Balancer Create multiple web server instances create start script to setup nginx on each vm then create instance template using startup script gcloud compute instance-templates create …

Google cloud hands-on guide: Kubernetes

Google cloud hands-on guide: Kubernetes qwiklabs GCP notes. replicated application running on Kubernetes Hello World node.js app Kubernetes open source project run on many diff env, vm or bare metal, public or private cloud tasks Create a Node.js server Create a Docker container image Create a container cluster Create …

Google cloud hands-on guide: Creating a Persistent Disk

Google cloud hands-on guide: Creating a Persistent Disk qwiklabs GCP notes. what is persistent disk Google Compute Engine provides persistent disks for use as the primary storage for your virtual machine instances. persistent disks exist independently of the rest of your machine when vm deleted, attached persistent disk continues to …

Google cloud hands-on guide: Cloud Shell & gcloud

Google cloud hands-on guide: Cloud Shell & gcloud qwiklabs GCP notes. Cloud Shell is a Debian-based virtual machine with a persistent 5GB home directory gcloud command-line access to computing resources hosted on Google Cloud Platform cloud shell is a vm with 25G / space, and 5G /home, google150652_student@qwiklabs-gcp-7546ccf38d44e17f:~$ df -h …

Google cloud hands-on guide: How to create a VM

Google cloud handson guide: How to create a VM qwiklabs GCP notes. create vm cloud console It is straightforward to create a VM in GUI, click few buttons: Compute Engine -> Create name: gcelab zone: us-central1-c machine type: 1 vCPU, n1-standard-1, 3.75GB RAM boot disk: 10GB Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) …