Install new ipython

Following up the installation guideline in link: 1) install python 3.3 2) pythreadline only pythreadline 2.0 for python 2.6, 2.7, 3.x 3) install ipython-0.13.1 32bit python install 64 bit not supported in Console2 4) config in Console2 ipython3 or python Scripts\

hgfs not work for opensuse 12.1

Not too surprise seems hgfs never worked on new released opensuse, same story for opensese 12.1 latest stable version. hgfs error linux-sr1k:/etc/udev/rules.d # modprobe vmhgfs FATAL: Error inserting vmhgfs (/lib/modules/3.1.0-1.2-desktop/weak-updates/updates/vmhgfs.ko): Invalid argument linux-sr1k:/etc/udev/rules.d # dmesg |grep -i hgfs [ 4469.514470] vmhgfs: no symbol version for VMCIDatagram_Send [ 4469.514918] vmhgfs: Unknown …

IE timeout

IE 7 always timeout more likely the slow connection, as workaround needs to increase timeout setting to avoid timeout as below: When Internet Explorer establishes a persistent HTTP connection with a Web server (by using Connection: Keep-Alive headers), Internet Explorer reuses the same TCP/IP socket that was used to receive …

PHP memory limit

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24 bytes). This just means php memory limit is not enough, by default is 32MB, can be increased to 100MB, the problem is you need to change php.ini in all sub site, lucky is some hosting like bluehost …

Cannot reset password for newuser

For new user need to reset password for first time login but always failed on passwd command: root # passwd testuser Enter testuser’s password: New Password: Re-enter new Password: Permission denied 1) truss on passwd truss -eaf -rall -wall -vall -o /var/tmp/passwd222.truss passwd testuser 17206:  putmsg(8, 0xFFBFA2B8, 0xFFBFA2AC, 0)            = …