Table of Content
Weight: 4
Description: Candidates should be able to interact with shells and commands using the command line. The objective assumes the Bash shell.
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Use single shell commands and one line command sequences to perform basic tasks on the command line
- Use and modify the shell environment including defining, referencing and exporting environment variables
- Use and edit command history
- Invoke commands inside and outside the defined path
Terms and Utilities:
bash echo env export pwd set unset man uname history .bash_history
echo -e "No new line\c" oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ echo -e "No new line\c" No new lineoldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$
USER UID HOME PWD SHELL $ process id PPID parent process id ? exit code oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ echo $USER $UID $PPID $$ $? oldhorse 1000 883 884 0 oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ ps -p $$ -o "pid ppid cmd" PID PPID CMD 884 883 -bash
run another program that replaces current shell
oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ echo $$ 884 oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ bash oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ echo $$ 910 oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ exec sh $ echo $$ 910 $ exit oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ echo $$ 884
oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ uname Linux oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ uname -a Linux dclab-u1504s 3.19.0-15-generic #15-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 16 23:32:37 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ uname -s Linux oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ uname -n dclab-u1504s oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ uname -r 3.19.0-15-generic oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ uname -v #15-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 16 23:32:37 UTC 2015 oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ uname -m x86_64 oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ uname -o GNU/Linux
~/.bash_history history file history -c # clear history !! last cmd !N Nth cmd !-N Nth back in history !string starting with string !?string? most recent cmd has string
oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games - if multi version pkg instaled, always 1st one is valid in path - never include current directory . in root path
set , unset
- set – define variable
- unset – undefine variable
cd cd $HOME cd - # cd $OLDPWD oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ cd /tmp oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:/tmp$ cd oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ env|grep OLD OLDPWD=/tmp oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ cd - /tmp oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:/tmp$ cd ~ oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ pwd /home/oldhorse
whatis search man name apropos search keyword in man oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ whatis reboot reboot (8) - Halt, power-off or reboot the machine reboot (2) - reboot or enable/disable Ctrl-Alt-Del oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$ apropos reboot grub-reboot (8) - set the default boot entry for GRUB, for the next boot only halt (8) - Halt, power-off or reboot the machine poweroff (8) - Halt, power-off or reboot the machine reboot (2) - reboot or enable/disable Ctrl-Alt-Del reboot (8) - Halt, power-off or reboot the machine (8) - script for adding and removing SCSI devices without rebooting shutdown (8) - Halt, power-off or reboot the machine systemd-reboot.service (8) - System shutdown logic oldhorse@dclab-u1504s:~$
Quiz questions
1. What command will bash attempt to run for the following example: % hello help me type 2. What is the command to create an environment variable called EXAMPLE and set its value to "Hello there"? 3. Why will the following code print a blank line? EXAMPLE="Hello there" echo "$example" 4. What is the effect of having a "." in the PATH environment variable, and why is this not good practice? 5. How do you set an environment variable (MYNAME) to contain the contents of a file (/etc/HOSTNAME)? 6. Write a command that will copy the files and subdirectories from /etc to ~/etcbackup.
Answers to quiz questions
1. bash runs the command hello with the first parameter “help” the second “me” and the third “type” . 2. The command is EXAMPLE="Hello there" export EXAMPLE="Hello there" ?? 3. Environment variable names are case sensitive. 4. “.” is the current directory. This means that the shell will search for commands in the current directory. It is not good practice, since the current directory may include undesirable files that you do not necessarily want to run. 5. To set the variable and display its value: MYNAME="$(cat /etc/HOSTNAME)" echo "$MYNAME" 6. This will do it ... cp -a /etc ~/etcbackup